2024年12月大学英语四级真题及答案【三套完整版】 | 青春叛逆期网-凯发app平台

2024 年 12 月大学英语四级真题及答案【三套完整版】



part 1:

1. a: i am going to have a shower now.
2. b: you should take a shower as soon as possible.
3. c: i will go to the gym later.
4. d: i will go to the park tomorrow.
5. e: i will go to the library later.

part 2:

1. b: i am going to the grocery store now.
2. a: you should have a healthy diet.
3. c: i will call my friend later.
4. d: i will see my family later.
5. e: i will go to the movies with my friends later.

part 3:

1. b: i will call my parents later.
2. a: i will go to the store later.
3. c: i will buy some fruits and vegetables.
4. d: i will go to the gym after work.
5. e: i will go to the park after work.


part 1:

1. a: i am going to the movies now.
2. b: you should go to the movies as soon as possible.
3. c: i will go to the gym later.
4. d: i will see my family later.
5. e: i will go to the library later.

part 2:

1. b: i am going to the grocery store now.
2. a: you should have a healthy diet.
3. c: i will call my friend later.
4. d: i will see my family later.
5. e: i will go to the movies with my friends later.

part 3:

1. b: i will call my parents later.
2. a: i will go to the store later.
3. c: i will buy some fruits and vegetables.
4. d: i will go to the gym after work.
5. e: i will go to the park after work.


part 1:

1. a: i am going to the grocery store now.
2. b: you should have a healthy diet.
3. c: i will call my friend later.
4. d: i will see my family later.
5. e: i will go to the library later.

part 2:

1. b: i am going to the grocery store now.
2. a: you should have a healthy diet.
3. c: i will call my friend later.
4. d: i will see my family later.
5. e: i will go to the movies with my friends later.

part 3:

1. b: i will call my parents later.
2. a: i will go to the store later.
3. c: i will buy some fruits and vegetables.
4. d: i will go to the gym after work.
5. e: i will go to the park after work.



part 1:

1. a: this is a good book about a person who has a lot of money.
2. b: it is a good book about a person who is good at sports.
3. c: it is a good book about a person who is famous in the world.
4. d: it is a good book about a person who is a doctor.
5. e: it is a good book about a person who is a teacher.

part 2:

1. a: this is a good book about a person who is very rich.
2. b: it is a good book about a person who is very good at sports.
3. c: it is a good book about a person who is famous in the world.
4. d: it is a good book about a person who is a doctor.
5. e: it is a good book about a person who is a teacher.

part 3:

1. a: this is a good book about a person who is very poor.
2. b: it is a good book about a person who is very good at

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上一篇 2024年4月13日 上午11:42
下一篇 2024年4月13日 上午11:48


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